The newest release from Jonathan Varnell

Diamond Star Silhouette

Long awaited acoustic instrumental album

Diamond Star Silhouette

A variety of styles to engage your senses

Diamond Star Silhouette

"Beyond Words" has been years in the making. Stream it at the links below.

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Jonathan’s first album in nearly 40 years sums up the experiences and influences beginning with his first lesson in 1972. Since then he started several bands, toured several countries with a group called The Heritage Singers, lived in South Africa where he released as part of two separate bands—Heirborn & Newsong, RSA. Between the two bands he released 4 albums (Child of the King 1984, In the Heart of Jesus 1984, Peaceful Moods 1985 with Heirborn; One album with Newsong RSA in 1986), and has played as either hired guitarist/vocalist or a worship leader in churches. His influences are reflected on the new album “Beyond Words” though in a more quiet style. He continues to play locally for various functions and churches throughout the Portland area.